



Sharing Photo memoriesThere are several ways to get photos to me to put on WATCHMAN's  page.  They all work and none is really superior to the other. I will be glad to cover any costs associated with duplicating and/or postage.

1. "SCAN" the pictures and send them to me via the internet.

2. Mail me your photos and I will scan them.  I will cover "registered" mail or FEDEX both ways.  In addition to photos, I can also scan slides and film strips.

3. Take them to a "copy shop"  (COPYMAT, STAPLES, etc.) and have them copied.  Make sure that you use the "color copy" machine.  This will produce copies almost as good as the original.

4.  Take the photos to a film processor and have them duplicated.

Should anyone have 8 mm movie film, it can be transferred to video which can be selectively placed on the web site.

Drop me an email and we can discuss it: